Cold Weather and Your Truck’s Air System
Across North America, it’s getting to be that time of year when temperatures regularly begin to dip below freezing—and when commercial vehicle pneumatic systems need a little extra attention.
It’s really not the cold itself that brings the most potential for air system trouble—it’s the moisture that’s brought in with it when the compressor draws in air.
If enough moisture makes its way through the air dryer, it creates the potential for condensation within the air tanks—and from there, it can travel downstream, affecting the braking system and other connected technologies.
To prevent moisture freezing in the system, a properly functioning air dryer becomes even more important in cold weather.
Bendix recommends replacing the dryer’s purge valve using a high-quality, original equipment (OE) component when you replace the air dryer cartridge, as part of regular preventive maintenance and preparation for winter.
For more information on your trucks air system contact Class 8 Repair.